Agriculture or agricultural photography is something in a way I have always done. I grew up among the wheat fields of the Canadian Prairies, near a tiny town named Oakville, MB. Photographing these beautifully vast landscapes, that go on forever. I like to think I started out professionally photographing bands, and music like most professional photographers do. Rather, it has always been about photographing a place or sense of home, and the further away I get I am always drawn back.
This past month has been extremely busy. I’ve been to 6 provinces, flown on 7 planes and driven thousands of kilometers. Somehow, I managed to squeeze in some time for these aerials back near home. I am presently back in Toronto as I write this. I wish among other things, I could carve out more time to post more pictures. But, I am reminded that the work itself is always more important, and the recognition is well not that important at this point in time.
Agricultural Drone photography is a bit new around here, but I seem to be getting more and more projects that involve aerials. This is a planned shoot, of course, with permission. I don’t recommend flying one of these over anyone’s head without it.
Top View Agricultural Drone Photography
Aerial photographs add a dynamic perspective to agriculture. These agricultural drone photography shots are able to focus on the entire landscape showing the giant scale of the prairies.