The fourth quarter of 2021 was headlined by supply chain issues, backlogs, and breakdowns. It is no secret that the global supply chain is experiencing operational disruptions due to a combination of factors like COVID-19 restrictions, personnel shortages, and a rise in eCommerce demands. The slowdown in supply lines has been felt by every type of business and consumer in every corner of the world. From Canada to Indonesia, a shortage and delay of products has affected the globe. Some experts are predicting that these delays and clogged supply lines could take a couple of years before they are back to “normal” operations.
However, the images and b-roll videos that we see displayed across television and online news sites don’t accurately depict the hard work that enterprise-level businesses are doing to keep the supply chain moving. Jammed shipping ports, empty store shelves, and sitting intermodal containers don’t showcase the hardworking industrial players that are fighting to get goods to their final destinations.
Industrial photography serves as a crucial piece to telling the entire story of how supply chain businesses are fighting an uphill battle. Enterprise-level logistics companies are the ones responsible for getting packages on doorsteps and food on tables. Currently, there is misplaced frustration or a lack of understanding of what is really happening with the supply chain woes. Industrial photography is a tool that many businesses within the related industries are investing in to illustrate their around-the-clock work to keep logistic lines up and moving.
Why is Industrial Photography Important Now
In a visual world, optics is everything. The image that companies give off to their customer base, stakeholders, and investors matters. As there is currently much pressure being placed on the supply chain players, these enterprise businesses need to be conscious of their public relations. Being transparent with the reality that your business is facing, and how that is impacting your customers and partners helps strengthen those relationships.
By leveraging industrial photography in 2022, businesses can show firsthand the troubles they are attempting to overcome, the extra hours they are putting in, and the out-of-the-box solutions that are being generated. For example, in giving an inside look into an enterprise’s trucking business or packaging facility, you can better relay to customers and other stakeholders that you are doing your part in trying to ease supply chain hiccups and best meet the demands facing your workforce.
These industrial photography examples will help build trust and confidence in your enterprise as a solutions leader, working against the grain to best serve your customer and end-user. We are in an era where a greater degree of visibility into business operations ultimately benefits the company as outside buyers and investors appreciate transparency and honesty. Telling the supply chain story that your business is living will afford you more understanding, patience, and ultimately sustained revenue from your B2B customer base.
How Industrial Photography Assets Are Best Used
The cost of moving a 40-foot shipping container is 170 percent more expensive now than it was just a year ago. Being an enterprise-level business within the supply chain world, you are well aware of how everything from materials to production costs has skyrocketed. This means that any investment you make should produce a positive ROI. If you’re a business owner and your marketing manager came to you and said we need to do an industrial photo shoot right now during a time of economic turmoil, you might be questioning the timing considering your budget.
But that marketing manager is on to something, at least when the assets are used properly. Here are how other supply chain companies are leveraging photography to benefit them during the current global market fiasco.
Public Relations Campaigns
The current trend being seen is that various supply chain players are using industrial photography to help better explain and detail the current status of their operations. Through the development of newsletters, video productions, infographics, and other marketing collateral, supply chain companies are utilizing photography and video assets to better show the public and their customers what is currently ongoing in their world.
Having visuals to deliver directly to the inbox of customers and the interested general public helps illustrate the work you are doing despite the out-of-control factors that are slowing you down. By keeping relevant parties in the loop, you are helping establish the facts of what is happening in a time of uncertainty and delays. The more open communication that exists between you and buyers the better you can maintain business relationships.
B2B Advertisements
While some logistics companies may be struggling with current business models and straining to maintain revenue streams, others are capitalizing on the struggles they are faced with. While the supply chain roadblocks are an overwhelming negative, some companies are using this dilemma to advertise to potential new clients. The supply chain troubles could easily derail any company within the industrial space, but forward-thinking companies are using photography and video assets to build advertisements to show how in the face of adversity they are still getting the job done.
By spinning a negative into a positive, they are helping demonstrate that they are adaptable, dependable, and inventive. At the end of the day, B2B buyers need products to reach them so they can fulfill their own supply chain obligations. The industry is witnessing more and more companies understanding these issues aren’t going to disappear overnight. Therefore, the use of industrial photography is their way of illustrating their abilities when the deck is stacked against them. Through social media ads, email marketing, trade show collateral, and other avenues, industrial photography is showing how enterprise-level businesses are keeping the supply chain alive and in front of conversations.
Need Industrial Photography Services?
If you’re in need of professional photography resources, contact us today. As a business owner, Robert understands how important it is to market successfully. High-quality photography is now an essential part of any business plan. With specialization in a variety of photography areas and has worked with hundreds of businesses and entrepreneurs over his career, Robert is able to take your brand to the next level. You can also visit our industrial photography portfolio to see examples of past work.