The following is a case study about a photography project we completed for Dyson, an innovator in technology for household products. The goal of the project was to capture Dyson’s SIS expansion setup with Best Buy Canada. These setups feature unique branding elements with a high end feel, as well as variety of products that consumers can try.
Our Client:
Who is Dyson?
Dyson originated in rural England in 1991 and has since grown globally to include offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific, with products sold all over the World. Dyson was created out of frustration with the quality of vacuum cleaners at the time, with the bags constantly being clogged with dust and debris. James Dyson, founder, disassembled his family vacuum and used his curiosity to inspect and deduce the problem. He then went on to develop a bagless vacuum, disrupting the industry and delivering a highly sought after product. Today the company has expanded their products to include hair care and air treatment solutions, in addition to their fleet of vacuums.
What Makes Dyson Different?
Dyson may be a company that offers a product, but at the heart of their business is innovation, curiosity and engineering. The company thrives in problem solving situations and aims to provide top of the line solutions. Most notably within the past few years for their hair care products that utilize air instead of heat to curl, which minimizes hair damage. They continually work to improve their own products, focus on inventing for future generations, and are truly proven leaders in the innovation industry.
Why is Architectural Photography Important for Dyson’s SIS Expansion with Best Buy?
Dyson has found success in partnering with companies like Best Buy to make their product more visible and accessible to consumers. Dyson does have demo stores, which are standalone high end boutiques that offer the customer an immersive and service focused experience. However, there are currently only 3 of these luxury demo stores in Canada, which makes their partnerships with companies like Best Buy so important. In this particular case, Dyson had an approximate footprint of 20’x20′, which showcased a number of their vacuums, a few air purifiers, and some haircare tools. Photography for this project provides Dyson with the assets to be able to promote their partnership with Best Buy and highlight their products. It also provides an opportunity to drive customers who are not geographically close to their demo stores, to physically interact with their products.
Related: Our Ultimate Guide to Architectural Photography
Photography as a Marketing Tool
When you’re marketing any product, the most important tool to utilize is photography. This isn’t just because people see photos first and decide whether or not to buy based on what they see; it also helps create an emotional connection with potential customers. Photography helps customers identify and recognize what they are looking for in advance and can help inspire a greater intent to purchase.
The Process:
Since the space was small with neighbouring brands surrounding it, an integral part of the process was to set up appropriate lighting and be strategic with the types of angles captured. Some of the brands located directly beside the display had logos that were lit up that cast a reflection in Dyson’s space. As a result we set used drapes to help block the signage and adjusted our angle to avoid reflections. It was also important to avoid all of the neighbouring appliances, such as stoves and fridges so that they didn’t take the focus away from Dyson. It limited the number of angles we could achieve, so we made up for it with capturing detail shots that focused on the products in the foreground while still showing the space in the background.
With these types of photoshoots it is extremely important that the displays are clean. Often signage can be smudged, finger prints can be visible on glass displays and floor decals can be scuffed. These will all show up in the photograph and sometimes are not possible to remove in post while keeping the integrity of the photo. Dyson is also a company who sells products that keep your space clean, so to have a cluttered or dirty space would not represent the brand appropriately.
For this shoot we brought in a model to act as a customer in some of the photographs. This gives us an opportunity to show consumers how the products can be used and create a sense of authenticity. It still showcases the SIS expansion space, while creating visual interest and promoting trust in the brand.
Related: Why Lifestyle Photography is Important for Marketers
Finished Photos:
The final photos were used for marketing & advertising, website, and social media. The photos are also used internally by Dyson for brochures regarding their SIS expansion projects, as well as future proposals.
Customer Interacting with Products

Detail Shots

Architectural Photos

We hope that this case study has provided you with some insights into our approach to photography and how we work with our clients to achieve their goals. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and see how we can help.